Sunday, 7 December 2014

Lecture 7 - Analyse The Digital Communication Landscape


According to Hana, S. et al (2013: 102) digital communication is defined as "a computer mediated communication featuring multiple-media forms including sound, video and motion" Weigold and Arens (2010) cited in Hana, S. (2013: 102) add to this by stating that digital communication can also be defined as "a mechanism for an audience to connect, communicate, and interact with each other and their mutual friends through instant messaging or social networking sites" The Digital Communication Landscape consists of ways of which organisations and people can communicate digitally for example social media communication and that these digital influences will effect organisations worldwide.

There is believed to be a change in the communication landscape and this is because the communication process is becoming much more advanced. My particular field within my course is events, and social media is one of the best ways in which an event organisation can promote its events because such a large amount of peolpe are on social networking sites Moss, S and Walmsley, B. (2013: 105) states that "the most effective mediums for for small scale event promotions are, word of mouth, social media and flyers" they then go on to state that Social Media is one of the most cost effective ways of marketing events. Here is a graph allowing you to see the amount of Smart Phone users and the predictions for the future.


Moss, S and Walmsley, B. Entertainment and Management: Towards Best Practice, 2013, Page 105

Hana, S. Noor Al Deen, Hendricks, J, A. Social Media and Strategic Communications 2013, Page 102 

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